Sibiu is divided into Lower Town, the oldest part of the city (1150) and Upper Town.
The central part of the Upper Town is the Great Square and in the north is the Small Square and Huet Square.
The link between Lower Town and Upper Town is the Bridge of Lies and Passage of Stairs .
The Passage of Stairs in Sibiu is a passage of stone and brick wool which starts at Lutheran Cathedral. Coppery color, but also the medieval architecture of the Passage transcends you into an historical time.
Bridge of Lies is the first bridge in Romania and the second in Europe made of cast iron. It is decorated with the emblem of Sibiu. There are a lot of legends about this bridge.
In the Upper Town you will find a lot of tourist attractions that briefly detailed below.
The Thick Tower (1540) is a semicircular massive construction with brick walls that had a defensive role. Currently, is host for State Philharmonic of Sibiu.
The Carpenters’ Tower (1337 – 1366) is a flanking tower built by Saxons carpenters in Sibiu.
Potters Tower (sec. XV) has around five places for withdrawal harquebuses
The Upper Town bears the traces of fortifications Sibiu, being a history lesson still alive. We invite you to discover the secrets of Sibiu, you’ll love it irremediably!